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What Level Are You

Page history last edited by yahboodan@yahoo.com 11 years, 7 months ago
  1. New to Touch? We recommend heading down to Waffenplatz to get the hang of things, see if it’s something you like, and get to know a few people.  Social Touch is all about scoring touchdowns and enjoying yourself.
  2. Want to Compete? The Zurich Touch League began running in 2011 and now has mixed, men’s, women’s and corporate divisions running from April to September, with plenty of opportunities to get involved and enjoy yourself.
  3. Want to Develop? Then we’d encourage you go to the monthly Geezers training sessions where our resident coaching team helps to improve our skills and also prepare for tournaments.
  4. Want to Travel? Then get involved! Geezers regularly attend tournaments all across Europe, throughout the year.  Geezer tours are great fun!
  5. Want to Represent? If you’re ready for the ultimate test, you can attend National Trials.  Geezers have a great track record in developing top quality Touch players.


  1. ew to Touch? We recommend heading down to Waffenplatz [link to where this is] to get the hang of things, see if it’s something you like, and get to know a few people.  Social Touch is all about scoring touchdowns and enjoying yourself.
  2. Want to Compete? The Zurich Touch League [link to ZTL part of STA website] began running in 2011 and now has mixed, men’s, women’s and corporate divisions running from April to September, with plenty of opportunities to get involved and enjoy yourself.
  3. Want to Develop? Then we’d encourage you go to the monthly Geezers training sessions where our resident coaching team helps to improve our skills and also prepare for tournaments.
  4. Want to Travel? Then get involved! Geezers regularly attend tournaments [link to tournaments doodle] all across Europe, throughout the year.  Geezer tours are great fun!
Want to Represent? If you’re ready for the ultimate test, you can attend National Trials.  Geezers have a great track record in developing top quality Touch players.

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