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Women's touch

Page history last edited by Joëlle Dubowik 11 years, 2 months ago Saved with comment




Want to learn how to play wing, link or middle? Then this is the training session for you! 

Join your fellow female players in learning and developing the skills and the moves that will make all the difference come game time, be it in women's or mixed teams. 



It doesn't matter whether you are beginner or advanced level; our aim is that you come away from this training session feeling more confident about your game and with a few pointers to work on and improve your Touch skills.

When: Sunday 18 August
Where: Klopstockwiese/Waffenplatz
Time: 10am - 2pm
Don't forget: a water bottle and something light to eat during the short lunch break



Zurich Touch League 2013: all infos


This is a great opportunity to involve all levels, including beginners, in the game.

If you would also like to join one of our teams, write to geezerstouch@gmail.com.



There is also an increasing number of women's touch tournaments where Geezer ladies take part, including:


These team events will be coordinated by a GeezerE, if you are interested, you can either subscribe to our newsletter or contact us directly  




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