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Coaching and fitness

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Saved by Geezers Touch
on August 3, 2011 at 9:14:34 am

Geezers Touch Coaching Weekend


Creedy Waetford (who some of you know already) has kindly agreed to come and give a weekend of touch coaching for the Geezers.  The focus will be on really working on skills for all aspects of the game, with a bit of fun and social thrown in as well! 



Sign up at:



Saturday 13th August:



Saturday night social event:

Barflyz from 7pm for a bit of Street Parade aftermath (everyone welcome!)


Sunday 14th August:

11am-3pm (to lead into the regular Sunday afternoon game)



Zürich TBC



There’s no cost, but the coaching weekend is only open to club members.  (Annual membership is CHF 50; see the Membership page).




More fitness required?

Then join Geezer fitness at Sihlhölzli running track every Wednesday evening at 18.45 until further notice. Sign up here: http://www.doodle.com/a2tcdzbd9xux7ehd and don't forget to check if it's on or not an hour or so BEFOREHAND.


Sihlhölzli is equidistant from Schmiede Wiedikon and Wiedkon stations:  

View Larger Map 


The focus will be on really improving basic skills for all aspects of the game, with a bit of fun and social thrown in as well! 




Saturday 13th August: 1pm-5pm
Saturday night social event (dinner/drinks)!
Sunday 14th August: 11am-3pm (to lead into the regular Sunday afternoon game)
Location: Zürich TBC



There’s no cost, but the coaching weekend is only open to club members.  (Annual membership is CHF 50; see the Membership page on the Geezers Touch website).

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